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ChatGPT Cheat Sheet PDF
  • Want to become a ChatGPT pro?

    Try our ChatGPT Cheat Sheet and elevate AI game! 🚀

    1. Key Principles: 4 key principles for using ChatGPT
    2. Popular Use Cases: 4 areas of usage of the AI tool
    3. Structure: 3 key tips for structuring your prompts
    4. Format: 3 types of output from ChatGPT
    5. Style: 4 examples of styles used in ChatGPT
    6. Prompt Ideas: 4 great prompt examples
    7. Top: 3 plugins to improve your ChatGPT experience


    Made by AI experts, this cheat sheet offers insights you won't find elsewhere!

    You can also buy it on Etsy.

    ChatGPT Cheat Sheet PDF

    SKU: 1012
    2,50 €Price
      • 1 page
      • Printable PDF
      • High-quality

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