Have you ever wondered how to create a progress bar directly within a cell in Google Sheets? You have come to the right place. In this short guide, we will show you how to create a mini progress bar in Google Sheets by using the SPARKLINE function.

How to Create a Mini Graph in Google Sheets
To create a mini progress bar in Google Sheets and visualize data in a compact format, follow these simple steps:
Enter the SPARKLINE formula In the cell where you want the progress bar graph, type the SPARKLINE formula: =SPARKLINE(value,{options})
Add the cell with the data =SPARKLINE(C5,
Specify that you want a bar chart: =SPARKLINE(C5,{"charttype","bar"
Specify the range of the bar chart: =SPARKLINE(C5,{"charttype","bar";"max",1;"min",0
Specify the colors of the bar chart: =SPARKLINE(C5,{"charttype","bar";"max",1;"min",0;"color1","green"}
Press "enter" to complete
Complete formula:
By following these steps, you can quickly translate words in Google Sheets with the Google Translate function.
Check out this video tutorial here.
For more advanced tips and tricks, explore our recommended Google Sheets courses, such as FAIRUN, which offers in-depth training on various aspects of Google Sheets, including data visualization, formulas, and automation. With FAIRUN's Google Sheets courses, you can enhance your skills and become a spreadsheet pro in no time.